17 Interior Design Schools Worth Applying To

2024 Best Colleges with Interior Design Degrees

Welcome to your comprehensive guide on interior design schools and the best degree programs to consider in 2024. Whether you're a creative enthusiast with a passion for decor or an aspiring interior designer, this article will provide valuable insights to help you make informed choices.

Exploring Interior Design Degrees

Interior design is a dynamic field that combines artistry, architecture, and functionality. In 2024, there are various degree programs and colleges across America offering specialized courses in interior design. These programs are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the world of design.

When choosing an interior design degree, consider factors like program accreditation, faculty expertise, and course offerings. Here are some top colleges and programs to consider:

1. 17 Interior Design Schools Worth Applying To

If you're looking for the crème de la crème of interior design schools, you're in luck. We've compiled a list of 17 schools that are worth applying to. These schools have a track record of producing successful interior designers who are making waves in the industry.

2. 2024 Best Colleges with Interior Design Degrees

Our list of the best colleges with interior design degrees in 2024 is here to guide you. These institutions offer comprehensive programs that cover everything from design theory to practical application. Discover the top colleges that can help you kickstart your career in interior design.

Why Pursue a Degree in Interior Design?

Interior design is about more than just decorating spaces; it's about creating functional, aesthetically pleasing environments. Here's why pursuing a degree in interior design is a great choice:

  • Develop a niche in a creative field
  • Master the art of interior decoration
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of design principles
  • Learn to create spaces that are both beautiful and functional

Do's and Don'ts


  • Research colleges with accredited interior design programs.
  • Attend open houses or virtual campus tours to get a feel for the environment.
  • Seek scholarships and financial aid opportunities.
  • Explore different specializations within interior design, such as architectural design or decor.


  • Overlook the importance of program accreditation.
  • Choose a school solely based on its ranking; consider your personal preferences.
  • Underestimate the workload; interior design programs can be intensive.
  • Ignore networking opportunities within the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the top interior design schools in 2024?

In this ever-evolving field, the top schools can change from year to year. Be sure to check updated rankings and reviews to get the latest information.

2. Is a bachelor's or master's degree better for interior design?

It depends on your career goals. A bachelor's degree is a great starting point, while a master's degree can open doors to more advanced roles.

Final Thoughts

As you embark on your journey toward an interior design degree, remember that your choice of school can significantly impact your future career. Take your time to explore your options, and don't hesitate to reach out to admissions counselors for guidance.

Interior design is a vibrant and dynamic field, and by enrolling in the right program, you'll be well-prepared for exciting opportunities in the world of design. Whether you're just starting your design journey or seeking to advance your skills, the right interior design school can make all the difference.

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